Okres Wędrówek Ludów
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Trzecie doroczne spotkanie w Nieborowie

2016.02.25 -

Preliminary program of the 3rd Annual Meeting of MPOV Project in Nieborów, 17-19.04.2016
19.30 Dinner
20.00 Meeting at the fire-place
8.30-9.00 Breakfast
I session, 9.30-13.00
(Chairman Prof. Claus von Carnap-Bornheim)
9.30.00-10.00: Aleksander Bursche, Welcome and introduction
10.00-10.30: Peter Heather, Migration and Identity in Late Antiquity
10.30-11.00: Adam Ziółkowski, When did the Slavs originate: the case of the Antes
11.00:-11.15: coffee break
11.15-11.45: Marcin Wołoszyn, Before Otto Tischler. The term Völkerwanderungszeit in early modern Europe
11.45-12.15: Michael Kazanski, L'Europe centrale et l'Occident romain à l'époque des Grandes Migrations
12.15-12.45: Małgorzata Latałowa, Anna Pędziszewska and collaborators, Palynological signature of changes in forest cover and human activity in northern Poland during the 1st millennium AD
12.45-13.00: discussion
13.00 Lunch
II session, 14.00-19.00
(Chairman Prof. Ulla Lund-Hansen)
14.00-14.30: Judyta Rodzińska-Nowak, The finds of nomadic origin from the early phase of the Migration Period from Polish lands
14.30-15.00: Magdalena Mączyńska, Die Stufen C 3 und D 1 in der Wielbark-Kultur – ein Trennungsversuch
15.00-15.30: Maria Panum Baastrup, The Southern Scandinavian link – analogies and counterparts
15.30-16.00: Jan Schuster, The North in the South - Scandinavian type finds in Pomerania
16.00-16.20: coffee break
16.20-16.50: Bartosz Kontny, How did Vidivarii emerge? The turn of the Germanic and Balt habitation in the late 5th c. in northern Poland
16.50-17.30: Mikhail Lubichev, Kyryło Myzgin, Migration Period finds from the Eastern European forest-steppe: the state of research
17.30-18.00: Marcin Rudnicki, The origin of the Migration Period inhabitants of the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland– archaeological evidence from the Hanging Man Cave
18.00 onwards: discussion, plans concerning final publication. Free-time for Steering Committee
19.30 Dinner
8.00-8.30 Breakfast
III session, 9.00-13.00
(Chairman Prof. Peter Heather)
9.00-9.30: Karl Pieta, Der aktuelle Forschungsstand der Frühvölkerwanderungszeit im nördlichen Teil des Karpatenbeckens
9.30-10.00: Peter Prohaszka, Esztergom und Umgebung im Laufe des 5. Jahrhundert, als Beispiel für Mikroanalyse eines Kreises
10.00-10.30: Michael Schmauder, Goths at the Rhine? About some new findings of the 4th -5th century in 
10.30-11.00: Marcin Rudnicki, The Migration Period hoard of silver metalwork from Grupa (Lower Vistula region) and its religious significance
10.45-11.15: coffee break
11.15-11.45: Sławomir Miłek, New find from Wtórek: Migration Period hoards from west-central Poland
11.45-12.15: Jan Schuster, Migration Period hoards – case study Świlcza
12.15-12.45: Bartosz Kontny, Marcin Rudnicki, Migration Period findings from Gąski-Wierzbiczany – Germanic central place in Kujawy Region
12.45-13.15: Marcin Rudnicki, The late Migration Period Germanic settlement centre in Kujawy (north-central Poland)
13.30 Lunch
Final session, 14.00-16.30
(Chairman Prof. Karl-Ernst Behre)
14.30-15.00:  Discussion
15.00-16.00: Steering Committee – remarks, opinions, advices
16.00: Closing the meeting and departing