Migration Period
between Odra and Vistula

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Pruszcz Gdański

Pruszcz Gdański, commune of the same name, Gdańsk district (former German name Praust, Kr. Danziger Höhe), during the Early and Late Roman Period and Early →Migration Period  the site of a large settlement concentration of →Wielbark Culture  at Pr. Gd. alone documented by not less than six cemeteries. Of these of major relevance for →Migration Period studies is site no. 5 discovered in 1926 (known then as katolischer Friedhof), after 1945 investigated by the Archaeological Museum in Gdańsk. Possibly the most significant Migration Period grave inventories are: inhumation no. 1 (fig. 1.) containing e.g. a star-footed brooch, type II of A. Bitner-Wróblewska, stamp-ornamented in →Sösdala-Untersiebenbrunn Style, a glass vessel and a bronze basin with western European analogies; grave no. 8 containing belt mounts with analogies in Gotland; grave no. 24 with a spade-footed brooch type I of A. Bitner-Wróblewska and a belt set (buckle, strap-end type Madyda-Legutko 12/2) decorated in →Sösdala-Untersiebenbrunn Style. Site 5 yielded chronologically the latest evidence on →Wielbark Culture  settlement in the region (the grave inventories mentioned earlier date to the mature segment of phase D). 


Literature: W. La Baume, Ausgrabungen bei Praust, Kreis Danziger Höhe, "Blätter für deutsche Vorgeschichte" 4, 1926, p. 1-9; F. Glombowski, Der spätrömische Grabfund aus Praust, Kreis Danziger Höhe, "Blätter für deutsche Vorgeschichte" 4, 1926, p. 22-26; R. Schindler, Neue Gräberfunde aus Praust, "Gothiskandza" 1, 1939, p. 38-51; K. Godłowski, Okres wędrówek ludów na Pomorzu, „Pomorania Antiqua” X, 1981, p. 74-77; M. Pietrzak, F. Rożnowski, Niezwykłe pochówki z późnego okresu rzymskiego z Pruszcza Gdańskiego, stanowisko 5, [in:] W. Nowakowski (Ed.), Concordia. Studia ofiarowane Jerzemu Okuliczowi-Kozarynowi w sześćdziesiątą piątą rocznicę urodzin, Warszawa 1996, p. 193-198; M. Pietrzak, Cmentarzyska z Pruszcza Gdańskiego w młodszym okresie rzymskim, [in:] J. Gurba, A. Kokowski (Ed.), Kultura wielbarska w młodszym okresie rzymskim, vol. I, Lublin 1988, p. 51-65; M. Pietrzak, F. Rożnowski, Pruszcz Gdański, stanowisko 5, Gdańsk (forthcomming).