Migration Period
between Odra and Vistula

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Dr hab. Henryk Machajewski

Instytut Prahistorii
Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza
ul. św. Marcina 78
PL-61-809 Poznań

I am a specialist in the history and archaeology of societies living in the Baltic Sea region during Late Antiquity. Recently I have published several works on the Jastorf Culture in the Wielkopolska Lowland, one of them in 2012 as part of the prestigious BAR International Series. I have carried out excavations in Pomerania and Wielkopolska regions for several years. I published over 160 contributions and 4 books. I also edited 6 books. I had a scholarship from Christian-Albrechts-Universität in Kiel and from Martin-Luther-Universität Halle (Saale). Currently I work at the Institute of Archaeology Gdańsk University where I am chair of the Department of Barbarian Europe. I completed a number of research grants and published the results of two of these in the series “Monumenta Archaeologica Barbarica”. I am actively involved in promoting archaeology and archaeological heritage protection. I initiated the construction of an open air museum at Rosko on the Noteć River. I cooperate with the Regional Conservator of Monuments Office in Poznań. I am a member of the Scientific Association of Polish Archaeologists.

Selected publications

  1. Untersuchungen zur Genese der Dębczyno – Gruppe, Zeitschrift für Archäologie, t. 22, 1988, s. 65-82.
  2. Z badań nad chronologią dębczyńskiej grupy kulturowej w dorzeczu Parsęty, Poznań 1992.
  3. Skandynawskie elementy kulturowe na Pomorzu Zachodnim z okresu wędrówek ludów (2 połowa IV w. – początek VI w.), Przegląd Archeologiczny, t. 40, 1992, s. 71-96.
  4. Die Fibeln der Gruppe V, Serie 8, im östlichen Teil Mitteleuropas, (w: ) J. Kunow (red.), 100 Jahre Fibelformen nach Oscar Almgren, Forschungen zur Archäologie im Land Brandenburg 5, 1998, s. 187-196.
  5. Zur Erforschung vom kulturellen und siedlungsgeschichtlichen Wandel in Westpommern vom 1.Jh.v.u. Z. bis 5/6. Jh. u. Z., Ethnologisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift, t. 40, 1999, s. 241-262.
  6. Wygoda. Ein Graberfeld der Oksywie – Kultur in Westpommern, Warszawa 2001.
  7. The South-Western Part of the Baltic Sea Basin at the End of Antiquity, Offa, t. 58, 2001, s. 87-93.
  8. Południowo - zachodnia strefa basenu Morza Bałtyckiego u schyłku starożytności, (w:) M. Parczewski (red.) Archeologia o początkach Słowian, Kraków 2005, s. 181-202.
  9. Südzone des Ostseebeckens und der Elbekulturkreis in der späten römischen Kaiserzeit und in der frühen Stufe der Vlökerwanderungszeit, (w:) C. von Carnap-Bornheim, J. Ilkær, A. Kokowski (red.) The Turbulent Epoche, Lublin, t. II, 2008, s. 131-159.
  10. Studia i materiały nad najdawniejszymi dziejami Równiny Gorzowskiej, Poznań 2010.