Migration Period
between Odra and Vistula

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Dr Bartłomiej Rogalski

National Museum in Szczecin
ul. Staromłyńska 27
PL-70-561 Szczecin

I work since 2008 in Archeological Division of National Museum in Szczecin as a specialist of the pre-roman iron age, the roman period and the migration period. Before that I have worked about 10 years as a field archeologist in one of private archeological firms in Poznań. Every one year I had to spend most of my time doing excavations as emergency salvage operations connected with large development projects like highways (Nr A1, A2, A4, S3) or strip mines (Bełchatów and Mściszewo). Now that is the part of my job occasionally too.

In 2004 I have successfully finished my doctorate trial about pre-roman iron age in Western Pomerania and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, what is actually my favorite topic. All archeological collection of artifacts dated around these periods is in my care. I have to make exhibitions in my museum too. The last one was Fashion of Maya. Elite and the court - Jaina 600 – 900 AD in 2011 (organised together with Ethnologisches Museum Berlin, Archeological Museum Poznań, Archeological Museum Warsaw and National Ethnographic Museum Warsaw). Since 2010 I work together with my German colleagues (Römisch-Germanische Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts) on the project Frühe Slawen im Odermündungsgebiet- zur Siedlungsgeschichte des Pyritzer Landes (Polen) vom 6. bis 9. Jahrhundert. We try to discover archeological evidences of the first Slavic migration wave in Western Pomerania. Sometimes I use to be an archeological consultant used by local communities to do their development projects, for example a small archeological park for tourists in Czelin, Gryfino county. Finally I have to say I’m a member of the editorial board of Materiały Zachodniopomorskie. Nowa Seria – the year-book edited by archeological team of National Museum in Szczecin.

Selected publications

  1. Groby z młodszego okresu przedrzymskiego i okresu wpływów rzymskich na stanowisku 20 w Jordanowie, pow. Świebodzin, Wielkopolskie Sprawozdania Archeologiczne Nr 10, 2009, s. 87-101.
  2. Przemiany kulturowe na Pomorzu Zachodnim i Przednim w młodszym okresie przedrzymskim (III – I w.p.n.e.), Szczecin 2010.
  3. Osada ludności kultury oksywskiej w Głuszynie, pow. Słupsk, stan. 1, Materiały Zachodniopomorskie. Nowa Seria, t. IV/V Archeologia, 2010, s. 21-73.
  4. Stan badań nad młodszym okresem przedrzymskim na Pomorzu Zachodnim i Pomorzu Przednim (w:) G. Domański (red.) Nadodrze w Starożytności. Konferencja Grabice 23-30 czerwca 2004 roku, Zielona Góra 2011, s. 75-90.
  5. Wyniki badań archeologicznych na stanowisku 30 w Warszkowie, pow. Sławno, Materiały Zachodniopomorskie. Nowa Seria, t. VI/VII Archeologia, 2011, s. 87-121.
